Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Android vs iOS:

Smartphone wars  are just like daily routine in developmental technology and the smartphones need an outstanding operating system within it. Discussing the OSAndroid and iOS are the most advanced competitors.
  • Android is basically a Google release and in new Samsung releases its share is 64% . Its open source code and permissive licensing by Google allows the software modification and distribution free and easy by device manufacturers, wireless carriers and developers. To enhance its functionality, Android has a large community of developers writing applications, written primarily in a Java programming language. These millions of apps make it more user friendly and the end users enjoy lots of advancements.  In 2012, there were approximately 700,000 apps available for Android, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play, Android's primary app store, was 25 billion.
These factors have contributed towards making Android the world's most widely used smartphone platform with additional applications on televisions, games consolesdigital cameras and other electronics. As of May 2013, a total of 900 million Android devices have been activated and 48 billion apps have been installed from.
  • comparatively iOS or previously iphone OS is a mobile operating system developed and distributed by Apple Inc. It has been extended from its original release to support other Apple devices such as the iPod Touch in September 2007, iPad in January 2010 and second-generation Apple TV in September 2010.
 Unlike Google's Android, Apple does not license iOS for installation on non-Apple hardware. As of June 2013, Apple's App Store contained more than 900,000 iOS applications. At the half of 2012, there were 410 million devices activated.
Android’s share in smartphones market is at lead with 52% while the iOS’s share in smartphones market is 42% and the rest is consumed by blackberry, windows and others.
So, currently android beats iOS and has won the market.
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